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Neuschwanstein travel blog

If your goal is to see those famous mountain castles in the Bavarian highlands, and you don’t want a stressful trip from Munich, then Fussen is the ideal spot to make your base. It served as a summer home of the medieval bishops of Augsburg, so close near where the kings of Bavaria would make their fairy tale residences, though admittedly, it seems from what’s left behind, uptight religious folk weren’t quite as awesome as kings who had their heads in Wagnerian clouds.

If you are staying in Munich, it is still perfectly doable to see Neuschwanstein and its sister castle in a day trip.



The adventure begins

I went there with my wife and parents a few years ago. We took the train in from Prague, and as we passed over the border, traveling with four is always best to do on the Bayern Pass. That will save you a load of money, though it might make things a little longer and you might have to plan the changes a little better, but if you’ve got the smart phone app from DB, all of this is made a breeze.

Fussen, Germany

the main street in Fussen

As your train rolls down from Munich, those Alps keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger until finally your at the foothills. When we were there, we stepped off the train and looked up to see—clouds! Yikes. So that wasn’t the best part of the trip. But given better weather, you’d get to see the whole expansive front range of the Alps, in all its steep and craggy glory, the perfect range to plant romantic, breathtaking castles on.

From the trainstation, old town Fussen is only a few minute’s walk, and then you’re lost amidst rows of streets that have an almost Italian feel to them. This is because Fussen’s got an old Italian history itself, as does much of Bavaria.

A bit of the ole history

The city was founded on the old trade routes of the Roman Empire, moving goods up to supply the Roman legions stationed at the front and to suck out the riches of newly conquered Gaul. The position of the Bishop of Augsburg was made quite politically powerful under the early Holy Roman Empire, back in the days when the Emperor had the power of placing bishops–which meant it was a legal way to have your own supporters in powerful positions and not having to worry about the landed class of nobility.


a square in Fussen

The plan backfired a few centuries later as the Pope wrested the power of recognizing bishops from the Emperor while maintaining the secular powers that had been granted to the position. The Bishop of Augsburg was one of those who clearly was on top of this dispute, being one of the most powerful positions in Europe for many centuries. During the peak of power for the position, the Bishop placed his summer palace at Fussen, making it both a fortress to control the trading routes and an absolutely beautiful place to spend one’s summer months.

Fussen High Castle

the courtyard of the Fussen High Castle

The museum of the High Castle–the Bishop’s Summer Palace–is definitely worth touring. There’s an art museum filled with 19th century drawings of Fussen, a dungeon, a chapel, and walk along the city walls and views of the surroundings from the towers. It’s certainly not the best castle in the area—there’s steep competition in that department—but it’s definitely a nice visit while there.

Where to stay In Fussen, we stayed at Ludwig’s Hotel, which was one of the cheapest hotels in town coming in at almost 200 euros for four people. There is one hostel in Fussen, but I imagine it is often booked and even the Airbnb places were on the expensive side. For budget travelers, the best option would probably be to just stay in Munich and catch a morning train in. Ludwig’s was a great option though, in a fully renovated old building, where the biggest complaint on the booking site and from my family were the stairs. No lift in medieval buildings, ah! But really, it’s not such a bad complaint at all. The place was also a good choice in that, besides the Franziskaner around the corner, it’s perhaps the best restaurant in town.

Fussen, Germany

another city street in Fussen

To the castles!

Here we hit the first scheduling quandary. My wife had to leave on Sunday by noon in order to get to Munich for her bus—a mein Fernbus—back to Prague. This meant we had to make a decision, would we go to Neuschwanstein that afternoon or see it in the morning before her bus? The best answer, which was obviously the one we took, was to simply relax in Fussen that afternoon and then to head out in the morning. It became clear the next day that mornings are definitely the best times to go.


Neuschwanstein in mist

The bus from Fussen leaves for Hohen-Schwangau at the five past every hour from the train station and costs 4 euros round trip. The ride takes about ten minutes and is the first stop. From there, one can reach the ticket center, which on the Sunday morning we went, right during peak season, did not have a huge crowd. You buy the ticket there for a certain time slot. As there are only so many people allowed at each time, the slots do sell out, and since there is no easy way to make reservations—the Internet seems to barely have been introduced in Germany—then it’s best to come in the morning or risk not being able to see the Castle that day.

looking at Neuschwanstein from Hohenschwangau

looking at Neuschwanstein from Hohenschwangau

There are three things to see from there and buy tickets for: Neuschwanstein, Hohenschwangau, and the Museum of Bavarian Kings. We bought the Neuschwanstein ticket, though looking back I do wish I at least saw the museum more. Without having toured both Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau, I can’t advise which is more worth it. Having seen a hundred castles or so already though, I can tell you that there’s probably no point in seeing both, unless you’re just really hungry for Bavarian history. But in that case, then why not see the museum? If you want to get a sneak preview of the two castles in order to make an informed decision beforehand, then watch the BBC documentary, “The Fairytale Castles of King Ludwig II.”

The Neuschwanstein Castle tour was worth the 13-euro price of entry (25 Euro for the two castle pass). There aren’t too many people on the tour, though it was a bit full of Asians who I don’t think knew any English since they were constantly jabbering in their own tongues during the tour—making it often hard to hear the tour guide—and obviously didn’t understand the tour guide’s shouts of “Nein! No photos! Das ist verboten!”

Neuschwanstein Castle

The tour itself is fairly interesting, with all sorts of details about Ludwig II that I’ll mention in the next post. I imagine that, insofar as this tour was basically Ludwig II’s biography tour, the Hohenschwangau tour must be equally so regarding his less interesting father, Maximilian (if you’ve read my Munich blog though, then you’d know his grandfather Ludwig I did plenty an interesting thing).


the castle gates of Hohenschwangau

We later walked the grounds of Hohenschwangau, which are perhaps even more beautiful than the grounds of Neuschwanstein, though it’s a pretty close contest. Really, I wouldn’t mind living in either, though when if you lived in Hohenschwangau, you’d probably grow up thinking your neighbor must be an ass hole, having the only house in the block built solely to top yours. It goes without saying though, if you tour one, you should at least see the grounds of the other.

looking up at Neuschwanstein

Neuschwanstein itself is far more impressive and an idealized version of one than Hohenschwangau, where even though Hohenschwangau was built for beauty as well, you could at least see some military intention in its construction. Neuschwanstein then exists as a bizarre simulacrum, a fantasy castle built in the time when castles were already out of date. So when you think of Disney, how it was built after Neuschwanstein, it’s only doubly weird—a copy of an idealized copy of the real thing.

Looking up at Hohenschwangau

Ultimately, the tour of Neuschwanstein is the tour of a house of a rich 19th century nutter. When touring it, you can only think of all the rich nutters we’ve got now and wonder whose houses we’ll be touring in a couple hundred years. Are any now built nearly as impressive as the Bavarian king’s?

I’ve had a weird relationship with Munich.

The first time I was there, it was awesome. It was Oktoberfest and all boobs and booze. For a young, immature bachelor, probably no city in the world is better in September. I was staying in Salzburg though, so I didn’t get to fully take advantage of my time there (read: pass out behind a dumpster, which at the time I was backpacking around Europe and homeless, on a sabbatical from life, that option was always on the table).

The second time I was there, I was kind of just passing through. I stopped at one hostel, partied it up at some weird and empty Turkish night club with my hostel-mates. I was on my way from Strasbourg to Prague, and wanted to see a little more of the city, but it was cold, rainy, and foggy, and there wasn’t much to see in all that. I remember a park, and some vague outlines of a square and a church, but the fog was so thick that it could have been a church and it could just have been a bus terminal.


night streets

Neither time had I really seen Munich, and for a while that was my entire impression of the city. Big beer festival, Turkish night clubs, and foggy churches. To put it blunt, I didn’t really care much for it.

A different impression

Fast forward 10 years. Now that I’ve been living in Prague for some time, I’ve had to go to the city for one reason or another. A cousin was visiting one time and my parents were flying in and out the next. With all these visits, I’ve been able to slowly gather a different impression of the Bavarian metropolis.

When my cousin came in, we got the full old town experience.

We stayed at a hotel just in front of one of the old town gates. We had told him to meet us at the Hofbrauhaus, which apparently he had been at three times in a row and was glad for a fourth.

The Hoffbrauhaus

If it’s your first time to be in Munich, you have to go. We go every time now. The HB Haus is a famous den, having its roots in the 16th century as a party house for the nobility, opened by the Duke of Bavaria, Wilhelm V.

Hofbrauhaus Munich

there's always live music at the Hofbrauhaus

When Wilhelm first took the throne, he had a problem. Bavarian beer sucked. The stuff was as thick as mud and tasted of the town where Luther was declared a heretic. Wilhelm had to save his country and do something. So he passed a law that no Bavarian beer would be crap swill. And this was the start of fine German engineering.

Wilhelm’s beer rocketed to popularity. He opened the Hoffbrauhaus so that he could share his delight with the nobility.

Wilhelm’s son, Maximilian I, had another serious problem. He didn’t care for the brown beer his father had improved the standards of. So he focused his efforts on producing fine wheat beer, and banned everybody else from making wheat beer, making an instant money making monopoly, but not doing much for the local beer scene outside of Hofbrauhaus.

Hofbrauhaus Munich

the beautifully painted ceiling in the historic pub

Everybody’s favorite King of Bavaria, Ludwig I of Oktoberfest fame (though not mine, I prefer Ludwig II), had the hall remodeled and opened it to the common folk, and it’s been the same ever since, now being one of the most famous landmarks in history. Mozart wrote a poetic ode to the hall and got inspiration for an opera, Lenin visited it regularly when he lived around the corner, the Communists had their government’s parliament there, and Hitler staged his attempted revolution against the Commies, the Beer Hall Putsch, there which landed him in a stint in Landsberg writing his memoirs.

Yes, you read that right. Hitler started a fight against Communists in a beer hall. Interestingly, not much of that history is on display at the pub. Not sure why...

Feldhernnhall Munich

the Feldhernnhall, where the Beer Hall Putsch was stopped

At the Hoffbrauhaus, they only serve Bavarian food the Bavarian way. That means if you’re looking for some puny-American style-gluten-free-hold-the-breading-and-can-you-swap-the-potato-salad-for-carb-free-French-fries schnitzel, then you’re going to be out of luck. The place is always packed, so you might have to squeeze in and join some other folk during your meal. And know your food ahead of time. You can buy time and patience if you just order a beer first (there is one size, and that’s huge). Figure out what you want—follow what’s on the menu—tell the waiter. Now sit back, drink that beer, enjoy the live polka music and occasional groups of Bavarians dancing on tables.

If you’ve been to Munich before and are looking for something perhaps a bit quieter, but still Bavarian, then hit up an Augustiner pub. They’ve got several locations, but the original Augustiner Keller, which is where I visited on my second visit, is over next to the train station, and also not far is the first privatized location, the zum Augustiner. The food is perhaps better, and the beer is definitely better, it’s slightly less touristic, but it’s also not where Hitler staged his attempted overthrow of Communist Bavaria. If it’s summertime though, check out their epic beergardens for an afternoon gulp. The local Augustinians first started brewing their beer there in 1328, so they've a beer tradition nearly half as old as Jesus!


This last time we were in Munich, I decided we had to do something in the city outside of drinking beer. So I discovered the Alte Pinakothek, which is the first public art gallery in Europe, also founded by King Ludwig I. That guy loved the people. It’s in a museum district right near the train station, situated next to the Egyptian Museum and the Glyptothek, combined owning a nearly as impressive collection of stolen artifacts as the British Museum.

Glyptothek Munich

the Glyptothek

The Alte Pinakothek is much smaller than some of the more famous museums in Europe, like the Louvre, Hermitage, or Rijksmuseum. It, however, has a pretty amazing collection, packed full of Rembrandts and Rubens. I myself didn’t know how stylistically varied Rubens was, and after seeing this collection, I'm now following him on Instagram.

Alte Pinakothek

the Alte Pinakothek

The old town

There are some pretty awesome scenes in the old town, though much of it was left to bombs and flames in World War II.

A great way to tour the day would be to start with the Alte Pinakothek, and then walk over to the Japanese Teahouse, which was a gift by the tea school in Kyoto to recognize the Munich Olympics. It’s in the Englischer Garden, which is also a great spot for a walk.

Then pass the surfing wave on the Eisbach canal and continue to the Odeonsplatz. The Odeonsplatz was named for the beautiful concert hall called the Odeon, built by, you've got that right, Ludwig I. That dude literally built Munich. The residence of the royalty of Bavaria (which was not built by Ludwig, but he did live there) was also on the Odeonsplatz. Though both were thoroughly ravished during the War, the residence at least has been rebuilt and is now open for touring.

Odeonsplatz Munich

Hanging out at the Odeonsplatz

Continue on down towards the Marienplatz down the Theatinerstrasse. You'll see an epic monument to the Bavarian army, the Feldherrnhalle, also built by old Ludwig. This was where Hitler and his fellow beer brawlers had their last stand in a shoot out with the police.


Some great Munich tour and transit deals to get your started:

Munich Rathaus

the back side of the Rathaus, from the Feldherrnhall

Continue on to the Rathaus. The Neues Rathaus, or New Town Hall built in 1874, is the most iconic building in the city, and looks quite mistakably like a church. But don’t be fooled by its massive gothic clocktower. From here, it’s easy to get to either the Hoffbrauhaus or the Augustiner and train station. But for the sake of the tour, I’d continue up the route towards the train station.

Munich Rathaus

the Rathaus (not a cathedral)

Where to stay

After staying in Munich at different places several times, I’ll have to say the best spot is the Hotel Muller. Not only were the rooms cheap yet gigantic, their in-room minibar was free. Which meant, by the time we left, it was also empty. But no worries, it’s restocked daily. The hotel is located just outside the Sedlinger Tor, making it almost a spitting distance to old town, though a bit more of a jaunt to the rail station.

Sendlinger Tor Munich

The Sendlinger Tor

Have you been to Munich? What was your favorite part? I'm looking for more things to do there next time I'm in town!

Writer's picture: Shawn BaseyShawn Basey

Saint Facetious Christmas Crawl

I know what you’re going to say.

Another Christmas post.

Dangit Saint, it’s the New Year already. Get with it.

But Christmas really isn’t over. The 12 days of Christmas go from Christmas to Epiphany, which is when the Three Wise Men get lost in Italy and bring presents to Spanish kids. Or something like that.

So with that knowledge, I bring to you a golden ring of a blog to bring to your reading and viewing pleasure.

Over December, I went on another epic adventure with my wife and parents. This time, we went on a Christmas Market crawl throughout Germany. We started in Munich, traveled up the Western side along the Rhine, then to Amsterdam, and across Saxony all the way to Dresden, then back down to my home in Prague.

So now I’ll share with you our stops and some quick thoughts on each town. Keep this handy next time you’re thinking of a Teutonic visit to top off your charts.


We stayed in Augsburg. It’s a 45-minute train ride from Munich, and with the Bayern Pass, a family of four can make an all day train bound adventure for only 40 euros. Nearly all the regions of Germany have these daily deals and I can’t stress using them enough.

Augsburg, Germany

The Augsburg market underneath the "Rathaus", or city hall

I hadn’t been to Augsburg before. I only knew it from Church history. This was the town where there was a final peace agreement between the Lutherans and the Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire. It was important for the Holy Roman Empire to finally make peace with the pesky Protestants as the Ottomans were knocking at their door, on the road to invading Europe. Peace was to be held so that Turks could be quelled. This was perhaps my favorite Christmas market in Bavaria. It was at the same time huge and cozy, with tons of different hot wines to choose from. It seems every year that we go to a German market, there’s always a larger and larger variety of mulled wine, or Gluhwein. No complaints here. Munich

Munich is the biggest city of Bavaria, and you’d expect it to have a huge Christmas market. We were hoping to make the Krampus parade that day, but as my parents were worn out from their flight from the US, we had to put off our Munchen visit for later that day. As we exited the metro and came up before the towering Rathaus, trumpets were blaring out a fine Baroque hymn as the snow was falling from the sky. It really marked a beautiful moment.

Marienplatz, Munich

The Christmas market with the Rathaus tower

We only visited the small one outside the Rathaus, though apparently there was a larger one around the corner at the Wittelsbacherplatz. Then, also we didn't realize there’s a huge winter festival at the Theresienwiese fairgrounds, the Tollwood Festival. Which I can only guess is a kind of winter Oktoberfest, complete with roller coasters and music concerts. We didn’t make it though, as we only had that evening, which had to be completed with an obligatory visit to the Hoffbrau Haus.


Christmas lights line the main shopping street

Landsberg am Lech

This one was a bit of an unplanned gem. I really wanted to see the town of Oberammergau in the foothills of the Alps, and chose this village to break up our route. Was it a pleasant surprise! When we parked, we found ourselves on an old medieval road heading up to the top of the hill, which lead us to a tower, city gates, and a wall. Exploring more around, we found a Jesuit university which is now an agricultural university, where a kind of nature trail winds down the hill and takes you right into the old town center.

Landsberg, Germany

the main tower gate at the old town market

Their Christmas market was closed though, as it was too early in the day, so no mulled wine for us.

It’s also got a claim to fame. On the hill peak opposite the university, there’s a castle with a prison. We parked underneath it, which is where I guess the prison cells might have been. Hitler stayed there after his Beer Hall Putsch, and in cell number 7 he wrote Mein Kampf. It was one of the main touristic sites of Germany during the Third Reich.


This town is a crown jewel of the Alpine foothills. It’s filled with brightly painted chalets, with each chalet presenting a scene from the Passion. The tradition there is that every ten years, they stage a massive passion play that starts in town and ends in a nearby cave. It’s a really beautiful village at any time of year, but they don’t really spruce it up that much for the holiday season (which is weird, considering the clear religiosity of the town.

Oberammergau, Germany

one of the many painted buildings in town


The next day, we hit the road for the Rhine. First we needed a breakfast stop, so we found a parking spot in Ulm (not really a town made for parking). Ulm is the birthplace of Albert Einstein and was long a major economic center of Germany and was a Free Imperial City during the days of the Empire.


Christmas trees lead to the market

Ulm really spruces up for Christmas time, featuring a massive Christmas market, complete with a nativity scene composed of real animals. This isn’t a rare thing, but it was certainly the biggest living scene we came across.


I hope they give those sheep enough wine to handle this

Ulm itself is a really beautiful mix of medieval and modern, with most of the old town composed of half-timbered houses huddled together until they eventual merge into a modern city.

Rudesheim am Rhein

Germany is full of fairy tale villages, preserving perfectly the medieval architecture of a millennium. Along the Rhine is a region full of these villages, one after the other of wineries and quaint pubs. In the summer time, there are dozens of ferries that go up and down the river, along with a light rail system and extensive bicycling and hiking trails. Add this all up with the dozen or so castles, and it’s a real relaxation station.


one of the many pubs of Rudesheim

As we drove to the Rhine, I was doing a last-minute check on Christmas markets on the Rhine village region. I found that there were only two permanent ones on the Rhine, at Rudesheim and Koblenz. Rudesheim even beat Augsburg on the awesome Christmas market list, especially as the town itself is pretty scenic and medieval.


If I were to stay on the Rhine during the summer, Bacharach is definitely the town to choose. There’s not one trace of modernity about it, except for electricity and indoor toilets. In the winter it’s pretty dead, with only a few pubs remaining open, and no Christmas market in site.

Bacharach, Germany

the empty winter streets and a nativity scene


Rhens is where Charlemagne was crowned King of the Franks. I was hoping it would be as romantic as Bacharach, and indeed the main street behind the city gate and wall is beautiful in its way. But, at least in winter time, it’s quiet and empty, but not empty in the same eerily beautiful way that Bacharach was.


All the towns of the Rhine seemed to be holding their Christmas markets in Koblenz. The town full of them. One after the other, more and more tucked away in all the small streets and squares of the village.

Koblenz, Germany

every little corner was full of the gluhwein action


I decided we’d stay in Leiden, as I would never have seen it otherwise, and was I glad we did. It’s a really beautiful Dutch town, with at least three huge windmills towering over it. There might have been more, but we didn’t explore the whole town.

Leiden, Netherlands

one of Leiden's scenic windmills

Leiden houses one of the oldest universities of the world, is home of thirteen Nobel Prize winners, and is regularly ranked as one of Europe’s top schools. The painters Rembrandt and Jan van Steen are both from Leiden as well.

Leiden, Netherlands

that market is on a barge

At Christmas, Leiden hosts a floating market on one of their canals. It doesn’t quite have the same kitschy charm of the German markets, as it seems to have more of a flea market vibe than a Christmas market, but it is neat nevertheless in that it’s floating on the canal!


We had a quick pit stop in Aachen to take a glimpse at Charlemagne's resting place, at the 9th century Cathedral of Aachen. Plus a bonus Christmas market.

Aachen Cathedral

the almost Byzantine temple


The town speaks for itself. Though it does hang up some lights, it seems the Christmas season is kind of just the same, cold rainy season as the others.


bicycle, bicycle

Den Haag

We visited the de facto capital of the Netherlands in order to see the M.C. Escher museum. That’s when we found in the square just in front of it, a bonus Christmas market. That’s where we tried to figure out why Amsterdam was the actual capital, as it lacks all capital functions of a state.

Den Haag

The Dutch Queen's personal market celebration


This was one of those stops that I had assigned for a pit stop. We were headed to Wernigerode when we decided to grab an extra market in this Lower Saxony town. Osnabruck clearly suffered a lot of damage in World War II, as much of it is modern, but its sprinkled with centuries old buildings as well, which gives it a rather weird, half-American, half-European feel.


This Christmas market had the widest variety of food


I previously thought that Rothenburg was the most beautiful fairy tale town in Germany. But that claim has been challenged by Wernigerode. Especially at Christmas time, as it sports a bigger mix of Christmas markets, and lots more restaurants. The town is full of half-timbered beauties, and on the hill overhead a castle looms keeping watch of all the festivities.




Our final stop to Prague was in Dresden. This is the mother of all Christmas towns, as the city resurrects from the ashes and comes to its peak every December. Big square after big square, along with every cozy square and street, is crammed with market action, selling wines and wood trinkets, and beer, along with tons of rides for the kids, everywhere you look.

My favorite part of the market was the Rathaus, where they held a medieval market. They built all sorts of little medieval houses, sold wine in clay cups, and all the vendors dressed in period dress.





I hope everyone's holiday season was great and that you're starting your new year right. If you've enjoyed this blog, be sure to subscribe.

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